
(1) Relevant leaders from coal producing countries around the world, industry management leaders, and relevant leaders from coal producing cities;

(2) Leaders of coal enterprises in coal producing countries around the world (such as the chairman, general manager, deputy general manager, chief engineer, and deputy chief engineer); and leaders and management and technical personnel of departments related to production, technology, electromechanical, transportation, ventilation, safety, equipment procurement and supply, information technology and intelligence, and human resources, etc.;

(3)Leaders of coal mines (open-pit) in various coal producing countries around the world (such as the mine manager, deputy mine manager, chief engineer,  deputy chief engineer); and leaders and management and technical personnel of departments related to mining, technology, electromechanical, transportation, ventilation, safety, equipment procurement and supply, and information technology and intelligence, etc.;

(4) Relevant leaders of global coal mining equipment manufacturing enterprises; and leaders and management and technical personnel of intelligent  equipment research and development manufacturing enterprises, etc.;

(5)Leaders of scientific research institutes, universities, and institutions related to design, construction, and technical consulting services from countries  around the world, as well as relevant department heads and principal technicians.